Inspiration: Crystals.

In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Fusce eu erat tincidunt, dapibus sem scelerisque, dapibus nibh.
— Darelle Priestman

The Golden Blush Series was, in part, inspired by cherry quartz, which has brighter tones than its rose counterpart. I love the gradations in the crystal. It really makes you think about how people blush, how the color grows from within. That's what I hoped to accomplish with this set: a glowing warmth rising through the misty layers of white glaze. Varius neque. Donec nec justo sed mi ultrices suscipit. Proin nec scelerisque felis. Proin hendrerit, massa eu scelerisque tempor, orci magna tristique tellus, at pulvinar justo nibh at nisl. Maecenas molestie sit amet sem ac congue. 

The Plate as a Blank Canvas.


Maybe our followers can settle a little debate between Eddie and me. Eddie is always talking about how his stoneware is ideal for chefs, because of how minimal they are in color. He calls it their “blank canvas,” because when you keep the base clean, it highlights the presentation of the food that much more.

As someone who loves color theory, I think ceramics can have a pop of color that compliments what you put inside of them. At least, decorative ceramics are perfect for lazy cooks like me. I love just throwing things together and not worrying about how they’ll look, because I know my bowls are already beautiful.

Well, folks. What do you think?

An Exploration of Texture.


Some of you may know that certain types of clay yield certain types of texture. The harder, paler kind that Felicia uses for her work is sourced from the foot of the Appalachian Mountains, where the concentration of kaolinite is higher. While this kind of clay does not have as much plasticity as the kind I use, it yields a more porcelain and glossy finish. 

I get my own clay from the Northeast, where the deposits are more pliable. This helps me achieve the optimal shape and also gives me the best texture. I keep the outside of my stoneware unglazed, because it’s easier to grip. In a restaurant you have to deliver food fast and in bulk, so your servers always need a firm hand on your dish ware.

I liken my style of ceramics to driftwood. It has a lovely form and is smoothed by water, but it’s also coarse enough to give you a firm hold. Felicia’s is a bit more like a peach or apricot: velvety, a soft shape, but a solid composition. In the end, different textures have different purposes. That’s why we work so well in tandem.


Haptic Selections

To Glaze or Not to Glaze.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque et magna pellentesque, elementum ligula a, finibus diam. Sed tempor, orci a fermentum molestie, nunc magna vestibulum magna, a vestibulum orci elit et nisi. Morbi metus nisl, convallis nec placerat vel, ornare sit amet nisl. Suspendisse laoreet gravida diam at maximus. Ut egestas semper dui eu blandit. Pellentesque ultricies urna in dolor sagittis molestie. Duis aliquam malesuada diam vitae porta. Pellentesque eu tincidunt ante.

Nam eu enim sit amet lorem vehicula ultrices. Cras vitae cursus dolor. Donec euismod suscipit rhoncus. Ut quis elit ut ante eleifend laoreet. Nullam convallis porta libero, in fermentum nisl. Suspendisse id imperdiet massa. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Vestibulum euismod, turpis in gravida volutpat, nibh urna mattis nunc, quis porttitor nunc risus eu magna. Sed sodales blandit urna, vitae varius tortor aliquet vel. Quisque sit amet malesuada mi, sit amet accumsan quam. Maecenas a ligula nunc. Quisque placerat ut massa et porttitor. Mauris vehicula rutrum nisl, eget dictum lacus hendrerit quis. Pellentesque pharetra nibh at ligula egestas convallis.